Welcome to the annual retreat page of the PhD program in Ecology and Evolution of the PhD School of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science, University of Geneva.

This meeting promotes scientific exchanges and sharing of ideas and progress by strengthening links within the doctoral school among doctoral students working in the field of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Geneva.

It brings together students from the departments of Genetics and Evolution, Botany and Plant Biology, Genetic Medicine and Development and F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic sciences.



Console du Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques (CJB) de la Ville de Genève.
how to get there

Program and Schedule

Time Event
08:45 Registration
09:00 Mathias Currat (Dpt GenEv-UA) and Juan Montoya-Burgos (Dpt GenEv) Welcoming and introductory speech
09:15 Thomas Goeury (Group Sanchez-Mazas, Dpt GenEv-UA) Investigating the origin of the Vietnamese Cham using HLA genes
09:30 Ziyu Guan (Group Ibelings, Dpt Forel) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in freshwater ecosystem
09:45 Prof. Antoine Guisan (Dpt Ecology and Evolution, UNIL) Modelling species niches and distributions: recent advances and some ways forward
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Mathilde Ruche (Group Price, Dpt Botany and Plant Biology, and CJB) Preliminary insights into the imaging of the peristome in Dicranum Hedw (Dicranaceae, Bryophyta)
11:15 Médéric Mouterde (Group Poloni, Dpt GenEv-UA) Understand evolution in metabolism of exogenous substances in humans
11:30 Joren Wierenga (Group Ibelings, Dpt Forel) The Interaction between cyanobacteria and chytrid parasites
11:45 Aina Randriarisoa (Groups Naciri and Gautier, Dpt Botany and Plant Biology, and CJB) Generic circumscription, species delimitation and conservation in a related group of Western Indian Ocean Sapotaceae
12:00 Jérémy Rio (Group Currat, Dpt GenEv-UA) Estimation of partial population continuity using ancient DNA
12:15 Presentation of the Swiss Systematics Society by Mathieu Perret
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Guided visit of the herbarium of the botanical Garden by Laurent Gautier and Philippe Clerc (CJB)
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Xujian Xu (Group Ibelings, Dpt Forel) Discovery of the New Chytrid infecting Dolichospermum (Anabaena)
16:00 Arthur Sanguet (Group Price, Dpt Botany and Plant Biology, and CJB) Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity modelling in Grand Genève
16:15 Alexandros Tsoupas (Group Currat, Dpt GenEv-UA) Demographic inferences of the Neolithic transition using paleogenomic data
16:30 Jaspreet Saini (Group Zdobnov, Dpt Genetic Medicine and Development) Into the alpine: Viruses, bacteria and sulfur cycle of Meromictic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland
16:45 General discussion on the ECOVO program with Claudine Neyen (coordinator PSLS)
18:00 Prize ceremony
18:30 Walk to the Bains des Pâquis and Retreat Dinner


Best presentation prize: the winner for 2019 is Mathilde Ruche.

Organizing committee

Mathilde Ruche, Alexandros Tsoupas, Juan Montoya-Burgos, and Mathias Currat.